Relationship Not So 'Deviant'

If Child Has Love and Security

The first in a series of group discussions on "Raising Children in a Deviant Relationship" was held Marok 29 with Eleanor van Leeuwen, specialist in parent educati on and nursery school children, as guest discus si on leader.

The evening was primari ly one wherein all present Joined in the talk, asking questions and putting forth their solutions to problems which had ari sen with the fr children.

The following arti cle by Jean Peterson, secretary of the Daughters of Bilitis, is a resume of what was said by all pre sent at the meeting. Ed.


Parent education is be coming an ever-widening field and of growing importance in our society. It is especially important

to the younger parental age group.

Things dominating a child at the age of two years, when ready for nursery school, include:

1. Hereditary factors such as physical and some mental properties.


A strong tendency toward average intelligence rather than an inclina ti on toward above normal or sub-normal intelligence.

Some children are very outgoing whereas others hold back and are ingoing.

In terms of re sponsi vene as towards the teacher many accept her readily as a mother substitute, others are not so outgoing.

3. A 2 or 3-year-old should accept the teacher as a mother substitute readily, release himself from his own mother and accept authority and the rules of the school.

Parents definitely reflect their attitudes on their children. The child, therefore, naturally will be stuck with all his parents ideas and problems. Each child will react in a certain way because of definite hunger drive s security, attention, eto. Each child may need type of giving to be fulfilled.


for love,

a different